Questions to Ask Yourself:
These are pertinent and very important questions to ask yourself when you are struggling in relationship. It is a self-inventory used to truly reflect upon the level of commitment present in any kind of relationship regarding yourself and the other person. Consider completing these questions in preparation for your session:
1.) How much do I matter to you?/ How much does you matter to me?
2.) Do you really have my back?/ Do I willingly have your back?
3.) Can I trust you? Am I a trustworthy person, especially in regards to this relationship?
4.) Do you value me?? Do I value you as a person and as a friend, spouse, etc?
5.) Are you impacted by the things I feel and say? Am I impacted by what you say to me?
6.) If I reach out to you, will you be there for me? If you reach out to me, will I willingly be there for you?